Hi! I’m Jeremiah Gerodias

I am currently looking for entry level opportunities where I can showcase my data analysis skill set and hone them at the same time. I created this little website for the purpose of documenting some of my personal data-related projects. I hope that after reading through some of these projects, you'll have a better understanding of the value that I can bring to your team!

Hi! I'm Jeremiah Gerodias


Business Intelligence

Tableau, PowerBI, Excel


SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL

Product Development

Agile-Scrum, Agile-Kanban, Waterfall


Python, R, Excel VBA


ANOVA, A/B Testing, Hypothesis Testing

Basic Machine Learning

Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K-Means Clustering

Other Skills/Tools

Web Scraping, ETL, DAX, Power Query, Power Pivot, Data Modeling, Database Normalization, Creating SQL Objects, Excel Formula-Based Formatting, Excel Dynamic Cell Referencing, Jupyter, VSCode, Python GUI Design (tkinter), Process Mapping, Trello, Draw.io, PowerPoint, Word, G-Suite, and more

Me on the Internet

Besides this website, I also have a LinkedIn page where you can find out more about me and my work experience.

I'm constantly learning new things! Check out my Udemy profile to see the courses I'm currently taking and/or planning to take in the future.